Friday, August 10, 2018

We've Been a Catch 22

Twenty-two signs you may have been married twenty-two years... 

1. You have to get your ring resized due to the hunk of flesh just behind the second digit on your left ring finger.
2. On occasion, one of you will stand up from sitting and say "oh my hip".
3. The ownership of particular household chores has evolved and is now set in stone. There is little deviation and when one is slow to act the other waits patiently (patiently with little almost inaudible grumbling). 
4. If your old selves looked at your current grocery cart you would question your own sanity. High cholesterol and expanding waistbands are for real. 
5. Freedom has been found in accepting graying hair and receding hair lines.
6. It feels a great injustice when the teenager isn't home to cut the grass. 
7.You have come to the realization that the longer you parent the less you know about parenting. 
8. Your one flesh-ness doesn't take away your individuality. It's important to trust each other with your separate passions. 
9. Fluency in the other's giftedness allows the confidence to take a back seat and follow their lead.
10. The sorrow brought about by dropping a kid off at college can only be fully comprehended by your spouse. 
11. The habits of health can not be dictated by the other. We all know what we need to do, and there's no way anyone can make us do it. 
12. The things about your kids that make you most proud have little to do with their raising. This reality makes you incredibly thankful for God's good work.
13. Your passion for Braves Baseball and Auburn Football is shared and almost equally so. 
14. You do big things you used to say you could never do, like work together. 
15. Some current styles of hair and clothing bring the realization that nothing would ever convince you being cool is worth following suit.
16. You have shoes that are so old they've gone out of style and come back in. 
17. Some of your co-workers were born after you were wed. 
18. The things that used to seem like insurmountable indifferences now make you chuckle. 
19. You have found a whole new set of insurmountable indifferences that don't make you chuckle. 
20. Keeping old furniture and a half broken TV becomes as much about the sheer challenge as financial deficiencies. 
21. In a few facts of life you have a large enough sample size to have a little bit of clout. 
22. Even on the bad days you know you would do it all over again. And it's been long enough that that's saying something. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this, Leah! We just passed 18 years together, but so much of this applies. Love and miss you!
