Laying sod, raking gravel, and spring cleaning are not things that should make for a jolly atmosphere. However, last Tuesday I had the privilege of helping a group do all three for a family in our church. You would have thought we were being paid by the minute or headed to Disney World the smiles were so prevalent. The recipients of such a gift are very special and much beloved by their friends and family.
Matt and Kristen live in the center of a three home cul de sac on the back of Lookout Mountain. The house to the left holds very dear friends, Katie and Joel. To their right lives Kristen's sister, also named Katie, and her family. My sisters and I are always arguing over who is the sweetest. Julie is clearly the favorite, with good reason, and she tries to claim she is the sweetest but the rest of us beg to differ. Kristen's two Katies are sweeter than all of us put together.
This much valued family has been journeying through a difficult stretch. They would tell you they're doing well, God is good and other true sentiments that express their love for the Lord and contentment in the struggles He gives them the grace to endure. I for one had no idea Matt was enduring intense migraines and chronic back pain. I hadn't spoken to Kristen long enough to make the appropriate inquiries in order to hear how homeschooling, mothering and other responsibilities have been intensified due to a husband in extreme pain. I may have been unaware but those close to them were not. Only the Master Healer can take away Matt's pain and continue to grant both he and Kristen His patience and peace. But the Katies thought of some things we humans could do to help lighten the load. They contacted family and friends in order to raise funds that would allow much needed sod and gravel. I've lived in a yard where grass was almost impossible to grow and the maddening amount of dirt tracked into the house makes clean floors impossible to maintain. They also thought we could spring clean the house 'cause who isn't uplifted by a clean slate? We snuck onto the property like a bunch of pixies and wood gnomes while Kristen was away with the kids and Matt was at work. We brought meals to fill the freezer and mops to clean the floors. We moved furniture and dusted under beds. Loads of laundry were cycled all the while tractors, trucks, rakes and strong backs transformed the yard into a wonderland. There were dozens of people throughout the day hard at work delaying their own meals to be cooked, homes to be cleaned, children to be cared for, and professional work left unattended.
While the progress accomplished last Tuesday was a bit overwhelming to Matt and Kristen we were all given a very real picture of God's love for His children. He doesn't just give us the bare necessities but rather lavishes us with earthly blessings as well as Spiritual. If this precious couple wasn't in a position to "need" they wouldn't have been able to experience just how much they are cared for by those around them. They would have missed an overwhelming example of their Heavenly Father's love and provision. I'm just getting to know the community at Rock Creek Fellowship but I already love them dearly. It's one thing to think of such a fantastic plan but to put forth the effort necessary to follow it through is very rare.
Well done RCF! Very well done!
This is wonderful and wonderfully written, Leah! It was so much fun and an honor to be a part of this, even if in a smallish way. Jess