As I move further into the fourth decade of life, I find as much as my given name means, all the other names mean even more. I love hearing nieces, nephews and kids of friends call me Aunt Leah, Aunt Weela, Quesadilla. I'm filled with humility when my buddy Ryan calls me "Coach". For this friend who I respect as much as I do to imply that at some point I had words he found encouraging or constructive makes me feel I'm wearing Jesus well. When my work study students (past and present) call me "Boss" they aren't simply acknowledging that I get to tell them what to do. These students have to work to pay for college. There are many positions they could have and the title they have given me speaks of thankfulness and appreciation. We are friends, we share life, but I'm their supervisor and whatever I ask, they will do their best to accomplish. Jon Boy, Mollyanna, Jay McRae, and Micky D are literally the cream of the crop. I've even come to find Mrs. Jones endearing but ONLY when spoken by Jay. College Mom, Campus Mom, Mama Leah...are a few other names given by Covenant students that warm my heart and give me purpose.
Mommy is the name while I loved, I often wanted to change during the years it was spoken multiple times each minute of every day. When Mommy transitioned to Mom, I realized my kids were growing up way too fast and was thankful they still needed me. When Spanish is being studied "Mi Madre" has to be mentally translated. Whatever the variation, this name is often voiced from one point of the house to the other by three of the best humans I've ever known. A few weeks ago when L'Abri came home from college "Mom?" was exclaimed from the front door and I felt as though one hundred butterflies were released in my heart. When these three call me "Mom" responsibility is coupled with empowerment by the sense of confidence it seems to convey. A need will be met, a question will be answered, comfort will be provided. The realization that grace will always be necessary is simultaneously and respectively acknowledged by all parties.
As I dial into who I am, the names Andy calls me are at my very core. Don't worry, I won't risk turning my readers bilious by providing a list. I'll just say, they mean different things oscillating from necessity in "Hey Babe" to the expression of love and commitment behind "Baby Doll". There are times these names are super familiar and information being relayed is very mundane. Other times the level of dedication being expressed settles me. It reminds me of the safety, acceptance, and unconditional love I carry with me and have no fear of losing until death parts us.
While there's no way to include all the names I've been given, I'm blessed by all of you who take the time to know me. As wonderful as all the names described above make me feel, as much purpose as they give me, they do not provide hope. The fulfillment they give me is empty without the fact that my Lord calls me child, sister...friend. Even more important than what God calls me is the fact that my name is written on the hands and in the heart of his beautiful Son. I am nothing without being claimed and called "Redeemed".
Happy New Year!
While this picture seems blurry it is quite focused. Unseen is the moment of lucidity given to my sweet Nana as she spoke the words, "You're my Leah."