Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thankful for Covenant

Mid-August found me applying for a job in Covenant College's Chapel Department.  While I knew the list of qualifications fit me perfectly I did not know that Grant and Sandi Lowe had been faithfully praying over that list of qualifications.  As I looked at the job description, I felt it fit my skills and my family's schedule.  After interviewing with Chaplain Grant Lowe and Christiana Fitzpatrick I felt even more excited and waited with great anticipation when FINALLY, Grant called and asked if I'd like to work at Covenant College.

Two days after that phone call I found myself pouring over binders of information and multiple data bases that would become a huge part of my job.  My suspicion that I would enjoy accomplishing the list of tasks described on Covenant's Job Board proved true. I loved it.  The first few weeks were a bit overwhelming when the start of a new semester brought students, chapel speakers, and all the details therein.  Lucky for me, I have a great boss who comparatively makes the most relaxed person seem uptight.  My many many small mistakes were laughed off or overlooked.  His confidence in my ability allowed me the freedom to keep trying and not burst into tears when I planned a luncheon but totally forgot to invite students to attend.  Catered meal...check.  Special guest...check.  25 students to enjoy said meal and form questions for said special guest...crickets.

Speaking of students...I'm so impressed by Covenant's student body.   Most students I observe from afar as they mill about and scan for Chapel.  Then there are those few I've been blessed to know more intimately. I was totally intimidated my first few days of "school".  I feared students would find me cranky, frumpy, and just plain old.  Then really super cool things started to take place.  Things like Ryan coming in strictly to ask me how my day was going.  If his "check ins" coincided with moments of frustration he would lend me a patient ear and remind me that I was new and would one day know what the heck I was doing.  "Ryan the Intern" doesn't have to talk me off a cliff nowadays but his company and conversation are still stellar and a highlight of any day.  I also have the pleasure of supervising amazing work study students.  These guys are the cream of the crop.  While I had no part in picking them "Utterly Kendra", "Jon Boy" and "Roger That" are exactly the ones I would have hand picked.  "Bells" may not be MY work study but she makes for good company and can work for hours without making a peep.  Yes, we're big on nicknames and even have a not so secret Chapel Department handshake.  These students and many more have become my friends.  They have become a great source of encouragement to me and often give me the privilege of knowing them.  Not only do they share with me their joys but also their frustrations.  This is by far my most favorite part of my new world.

The one part of my job that I absolutely hate is the ever looming graduation day.  While I'm super thankful for the students that are sticking around, I'm so sad to have such a short time with the Seniors.  I try to focus on being thankful that I started working at Covenant this year so I get to miss them next year rather than miss knowing them at all.