Imagine three grown children, their spouses and the 6 children we've collected through the years and throw them together for days and even weeks at a time and most would fear the worst. We have a blast. The only time any of us have come to blows was during the Iron Bowl a few years ago and those involved weren't long enough in the britches to know how to reign in such strong SEC type emotion. We have a great deal of respect and appreciation for one another and adding one crazy Logan for comic relief definitely keeps us entertained. The key to this success is a common love and devotion for our Savior.
This love has been passed down, prioritized, modeled and faithfully lived out by the ones we call Grammy and Gramps. Thanks you two for raising your son in such a way that allowed the Holy Spirit easy access. I appreciate the world view he has whose seed was planted by a refrigerator covered with pictures of missionaries. Thank you for loving him with the only love that could permeate his soul and has reflected into my life every day for almost two decades.